and I opened it....

Mr Ng Siok Yen, our PRSS principal, has passed away! Although I understand 生老病死 is a natural life cycle, I am kind of sad for not able to attend his wake. Haiz...Anyway, he and PRSS have indeed left me with a lot of memories. Some bad, some good but it is part and parcel of life.
I remembered when i first stepped into the class and Ms Toh (at that time, she is already married) was my form teacher of class 1/2. A very nice class! I got to know many of my best friends in the class. I categorized my best friends into two groups: "Bad Boys" and "Hot Babes". Bad Boys - Michael, Tse Hong, Wan Kong, Adrian, Weirong, Jeffrey, Tommy and Yi Kai(erm..sorry Yi Kai, i know you are not that bad though). Hot babes - Sandra, Meiqi, Sandi and Yumi.
The Bad Boys are, afterall, not that bad in fact most of them are working now. I think only Tommy, Yi Kai and me are still studying. Haha!
Yumi - I used to call her cai ling but now, everybody calls her yumi. This babe, i still keep in contact with her but she changes a lot. Now, she is very very hot!
Mei qi - Recently, she graduated from NTU. I even attender her convocation and we took a picture together with Yahui. But she hasn't sent me the photo. :(
Sandi - I really miss this girl a lot! A very good class vice chair and a very good sister that look after me. But, I have lose contact after she went back to her country - Myanmar. If anyone got her contact, pls let me know.
Bon Voyage Mr Ng! 你永远活在我们的心中!